By-laws of Prantik, Inc, Greater Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A
- NAME: Organization of Bengalees as defined in Article II
of these By-Laws, in the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan Area
is named Prantik, Inc. (referred to hereafter as the
- PHILOSOPHICAL PREMISES: a) to bring about further cohesion
of the members interpersonally and group level; b) to promote
tie-ins with its counterparts elsewhere in this geographic
region inclusive of other associations seeking similar
objectives in North America; c) to share ethnic heritage
socioculturally with Bengalees.
Bengalee is characterized as hereunder: a member of the
community a) who speaks the Bengali language; b) who
practices and cherishes an abiding interest in Bengali
culture; c) who was born of at least one Bengalee parent; d)
or whose services can be utilized for the furtherance of the
goals of the organization.
- NATURE OF THE CORPORATION: Nonprofit, non-political,
non-sectarian, voluntary, self-supporting and group
- LOCATION: The office of the Corporation will normally be
located at the residence of the incumbent President
Corporation until the Executive Committee of the Corporation
decides to relocate the office as situation warrants.
- PURPOSE AND GOAL: The main thrust of the programs of the
Corporation are a) to promote, propagate and diffuse Bengali
culture to America on a reciprocal basis; b) to organize
social, cultural activities year round enabling optimum
participation of the members to help meet their felt need; c)
to organize educational programs for furtherance of Bengali
language amongst the members and others interested through
library, language, language lessons and so on; d)to observe
community religious festivals; e) to support charitable
organizations and causes; f) to promote Bengali culture among
the youth of the community; and g) to establish a community
center for the furtherance of its goals and to use the same as
meeting place.
- MEMBERSHIP: A member is the most important element of the
- ELIGIBILITY: Any person eighteen years of age or older
who believes in and supports the goals of the Corporation as
set forth in these By-Laws may become a member by paying the
membership subscription.
- MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION: Members of the Corporation
shall pay an annual subscription. The amount of
subscription shall be set by the Executive Committee.
- AUTHORITIES OF MEMBERS: All legislative authorities of
the Corporation will be vested in the Members. Members
shall be eligible to vote in all elections of the
Corporation in accordance with the provisions of these
By-Laws. The Members shall have the authority to remove
any or all elected officials of the Corporation by a
motion of no confidence passed duly in accordance with
Article X of these By-Laws.
- CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP: There shall be two classes of
- Individual Membership: A single person may obtain
an Individual Membership by meeting the eligibility
requirement and paying the Individual Membership
- Family Membership: All persons living permanently
in the same household and meeting the eligibility
requirements may obtain Family Membership by paying
the Family Membership subscription.
- LIABILITY OF MEMBERS: In general the liability of
Members shall be limited.
- TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership is terminated if
a Member does not pay his or her membership
subscription. A Member may resign his or her membership by
submitting a letter of resignation to the President. The
General Body of Members may terminate the membership of a
Member by adopting a resolution to that effect, if the
activities of the said Member are found to be detrimental
to the aims and objectives of the Corporation. Such
resolution of termination must be voted upon and passed by
majority vote in a meeting of Members.
- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Day to day activities of the
Corporation shall be planned, organized and executed by
the Executive Committee.
- COMPOSITION: The Executive Committee shall consist
of a minimum of nine members including a President, a
Vice- President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a
minimum of five members-at-large. The President may
enlarge the size of the Committee if it becomes
necessary for the efficient functioning of the
- OFFICERS: The President, the Vice-President, the
Secretary and the Treasurer shall be the officers of
the Corporation. All officers shall be elected by the
Members as set forth in Article X of these
- President: President of the Corporation shall
be chief executive officer. The President shall
uphold the letters and spirit of the By-Laws,
preside over meetings of Executive Committee and
General and call meetings of the Members. The
President shall also be the chairperson of the
Board of Directors.
- Vice-President: The Vice-President shall
perform such duties as assigned by the
President. The Vice-President shall carry out the
duties of the President in his absence. In case
the President resigns or steps down, the
Vice-President shall automatically become the
President of the Corporation for the unexpired
term of the outgoing President.
- Secretary: The Secretary of the Corporation
shall convene Executive Committee meetings,
implement and execute Committee resolutions. The
Secretary shall also maintain record of activities
of the Corporation, minutes of the Committee
meetings, official list of membership,
administrative records of the Corporation, and
maintain communications between the Executive
Committee and the Members of the Corporation.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain
financial records of the Corporation and shall be
responsible for preparing and submitting tax
return in accordance with the laws of the state of
Maryland and the United States.
- MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: The members-at-large of the
Executive Committee shall be appointed by the
President in consultation with other Officers of the
Corporation. These members shall perform such duties
as required to ensure smooth functioning of the
Corporation as decided by the President.
- ELIGIBILITY: All members of the Executive
Committee shall be Members of the
Corporation. Moreover, the Officers shall meet the
following additional eligibility requirements:
- The President and the Vice-President must be
Members of the corporation for a period of not
less than three consecutive years prior to the
date of the election to their respective
- The Secretary and the Treasurer must be
Members of the corporation for a period of not
less than two consecutive years before they are
elected to their offices.
- TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of all
Executive Committee members shall be two
years. Elected Officers shall not be eligible to run
for two consecutive terms for the same office.
- SPENDING AUTHORITY: The Officers of the
Corporation shall be Signatories of the corporate bank
account. The Officers shall have the authority to
spend up to $50.00 of the corporate funds per occasion
for legitimate business of the Corporation. The
Executive committee must authorize any spending in
excess of $50.00 from the operating account of the
Corporation. The Corporation shall maintain a savings
account. The Executive Committee may authorize
spending of up to 25% of the funds in the savings
account per year. Expenditure of any fund in excess of
the above mentioned amount from the savings account
must be approved by the majority of the Members in a
General Meeting.
- Any Officer of the Corporation may be removed
from the office by a vote of no confidence adopted
in a meeting of Members in accordance with Article
X of these By - Laws.
- The Members-at-large of the Executive
Committee may be removed from the office by the
President in consultation with other members of
the Committee.
- RESIGNATION: The President may resign by
submitting a letter of resignation to the Board of
Directors. Any other member of the Executive Committee
may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to
the President.
- VACANCY: If the position of any Officer other than
the President becomes vacant before the expiration of
the Officer's term of Office, the procedure for the
filling of the vacancy shall be as follows:
- If more than six months remain in the term of
the vacant office then the vacancy shall be
filled by a Special Election held in accordance
with Article X of these By-Laws.
- If six months or less remain in the term of
the vacant office, then the remaining Officers
shall select an eligible Member to fill the
vacancy. The Election Committee shall advise the
Officers regarding the eligibility of a Member to
fill the vacancy in accordance with the provisions
of these By - Laws. The Board of Directors may
extend its expertise in these processes. In either
case the new Officer shall serve for the remaining
term of the outgoing Officer.
- The Executive Committee shall meet regularly
to chart the activities of the Corporation. The
number of such meetings during a year shall not be
less than six. At least one half of the Committee
members and a minimum of two Officers must be
present during an Executive Committee meeting to
form a quorum. Normally, the Secretary shall give
notice of a meeting at least seven days before the
date of the meeting. In an extraordinary or
emergency situation any Officer with the
concurrence of the concurrence of the President
can call an Executive Committee meeting with
two-day notice. Members of the Corporation may
attend Executive Committee meetings. Any Member
attending an Executive Committee meeting must
follow the procedures established by the said
Committee. The President, on behalf of the
Committee may invite Members and other individuals
to attend Executive Committee meetings. The
President shall, however, inform other members of
the Committee about such invitation before the
date of the meeting. In the absence of the
President and the Vice-President, the Secretary
shall preside over the Committee meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall prepare a set of
written procedures to guide them to follow
standard parliamentary procedures in conducting
meetings under the provisions of these
By-Laws. These procedures shall include details
regarding rights and privileges of visiting
Members and invited quests while attending the
Committee shall meet with the Board of Directors at
least twice a year. The purpose of these meetings will
be to inform the Board about the status of the
Corporation and to obtain guidance and advice from the
Board. In addition, any Member of the Board may attend
any Executive Committee meeting under the standard
procedures adopted by the said Committee.
- BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors consists of
four members including incumbent President and the immediate
past President. The incumbent shall be the Chairperson of the
Board. The Board of Directors shall act as an advisory body to
the Executive Committee. The Board shall work closely with the
Executive Committee to ensure that the goals and objective of
the Corporation are achieved. The Board shall meet as
frequently as necessary to perform its functions. The members
of the Board of Directors other than the incumbent President
and the immediate past President shall be elected by the
Members of the Corporation in accordance with Article X of
these By- Laws.
- ELIGIBILITY: The Members of the Board of Directors
shall meet the following eligibility requirements, (a) be
a Member of the Corporation for minimum period of three
consecutive years prior to the date of election, (b) have
held an elected office or have been a founder director of
the Corporation and (c) neither hold any other office nor
be a member of any other committee of the Corporation
except in special projects as decided by the Executive
- TERM OF OFFICE: All elected members of the Board shall
serve for a period of two years.
- EMERGENCY POWERS: In cases of an emergency created by
the resignation of all the Officers of the Corporation,
the elected members of the Board shall take over the
functions of the executive Committee. The Board may then
form a working committee from other Members of the
Corporation. Subsequently the Board shall arrange for new
election in accordance with Article X of these By-Laws so
that new Officers can be elected by the Members of the
Corporation. The Board shall take all necessary steps to
ensure that such an election is held within the three
months after the beginning of the emergency.
- RESIGNATION: An elected Member of the Board may resign
by submitting a letter of resignation to the Chairperson
of the Board.
- FILLING A VACANCY: In the event of a vacancy created
in the Board for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled
as follows;
- If more than six months remain in the term of
office of the outgoing Director then the vacancy shall
be filled by holding a Special Election in accordance
with Article X of these By-Laws.
- If the vacancy occurs when six months of less are
remaining in the term of the outgoing Director then
the vacancy shall be filled by co-option of an
eligible Member by the other members of the Board of
Directors. The Election Committee shall advice the
Board regarding the eligibility of a Member to fill
the vacancy in accordance with the provisions of these
In either case the new Director shall serve for the
remaining term of the outgoing Director.
- ELECTION COMMITTEE: The Corporation shall have an Election
Committee who shall be responsible for conducting all
- COMPOSITION: The Election Committee shall consist of
three members appointed by the Executive Committee.
- DUTIES: The Election Committee shall obtain
nominations for various offices; notify Members of date,
time and place of election; notify Members of all matters
that may be voted upon during an election; conduct the
elections in conduct the elections in accordance with
these By-Laws; and perform such other related functions as
commissioned by the Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee shall authorize necessary expenditure of funds
so that the Election Committee can perform it duties. The
Election Committee shall maintain communication with the
President and shall keep the President informed about its
- TERM OF OFFICE: The members of the Election Committee
shall serve for a term of two years from the date of its
- ELIGIBILITY: All members of the Election Committee
shall be Members of the Corporation for at least two
consecutive years prior to their becoming members of the
Election Committee. Election Committee Members of the
Board of Directors shall not be members of the Election
- ELECTION: All legislative functions of the Corporation
shall be carried out by electoral process. In addition,
elections shall be held among all Members to elect Officers
and Board of Directors and to obtain conscientious opinion of
Members by voting in matters of dispute which may danger the
existence of the corporation.
- ELIGIBILITY: All Members who have paid their
membership dues at least two months prior to the date of
the election shall be eligible to participate in an
- ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Election of the Officers shall
be held during Annual General Meeting. The Election
Committee shall obtain nominations for candidates for
various offices and shall determine the eligibility of
such candidates. Only the nominations made by Members
shall be accepted for voting. The outgoing Executive
Committee may nominate a slate of candidates for all the
offices. At the end of the nominating process the names
proposed for various offices shall be put to vote and
person receiving maximum number of votes for a particular
office shall be elected to that office.
Board of Directors shall be elected during Annual General
Meeting. Election of Board of Directors shall not be held
in the same Annual General Meeting where the elections of
the Officers are held. Members shall nominate eligible
candidates for election as Board Members. The Election
Committee shall determine the eligibility of the nominated
candidates. At the end of the nomination process the names
of the candidates shall be put to vote. The persons
receiving the highest and the second highest number of
votes shall be elected to the Board.
- REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: An Officer of the corporation may
be removed from the office by a vote of no confidence. A
Special Meeting of Members shall be convened to consider
such a motion. The Executive Committee failing which the
Board of Directors shall call a meeting for such a
purpose. After a meeting is convened to consider such a
motion of no confidence, the Election Committee shall put
the motion to vote by the Members. The motion of no
confidence shall be adopted if two thirds of the members
present vote in favor of the motion. The quorum provisions
of Article XII shall be applicable for a meeting called to
discuss and vote upon a motion of no confidence.
- SPECIAL ELECTION: Special Election shall be held to
fill vacancies in the offices of Officers and in the Board
of Directors as indicated in Articles VII and VIII of
these By-Laws. Special elections will be held during a
Special Meeting or by mail ballot as decided by the
Executive Committee.
these By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of
Members. Such amendment shall be brought in conformance with
the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation. An amendment
can be proposed by any Member. A special election can be held
in the annual general body meeting or a Member can submit such
a proposal to the Executive Committee. The Committee shall
discuss the proposed amendment and circulate the same among
all Members. The proposed amendment shall then be brought to a
vote in a Meeting of Members convened for that purpose with at
least 2-week notice. The amendment/s shall be adopted with
majority vote.
- MEETING OF MEMBERS: The Members of the Corporation shall
meet for the purpose of electing Officers and members of Board
of Directors; to adopt new By-Laws or to change existing
By-Laws as defined in Article XI; to receive the annual report
of the Executive Committee; and to conduct other legitimate
business of the Corporation.
- QUORUM: The presence of at least 50% of members in
person shall constitute a quorum. If a meeting is
postponed due to lack of quorum the meeting shall be
reconvened after one month. Quorum shall not be required
in the reconvened meeting.
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The Annual General Meeting of
the Corporation shall be held on Saraswati Puja Day. The
Executive Committee shall set the date, time, place and
agenda of the meeting and shall notify Members at least
thirty days before the date of the Meeting. All Officers
shall submit their reports during the Annual General
Meeting after the reports have been approved by the
Executive Committee.
- SPECIAL MEETING: Special Meetings of the Members may
be called by the Executive Committee and failing which by
the Board of Directors. The date, time, place and agenda
of the meeting shall be set by the convening body. The
Secretary shall notify Members about Special Meetings at
least 2 weeks prior to the date of such meetings. The
Executive Committee shall appropriate the necessary funds
to cover the expenses of holding the meetings convened in
accordance with these By-Laws.
- PRANTIK YOUTH ORGANIZATION: Prantik Youth Organization
(P.Y.O.) shall be an organization wholly supported by the
Corporation to promote its goals among the young children of
the Bengali community.
- MEMBERSHIP: The children of the Members of the
Corporation shall automatically become members of P.Y.O.
Committee shall consist of a secretary, a treasurer, and
three other members. The members of P.Y.O shall elect the
secretary and the treasurer. The secretary shall appoint
the other members of the P.Y.O. The term of office of the
P.Y.O. Executive Committee shall be coincident with the
term of office of the Executive Committee of the
- FUNCTIONS: The P.Y.O. shall organize various events
for its members as approved by the Executive Committee of
the Corporation.
- FUNDING: The Executive Committee of the Corporation
shall authorize funding for the activities of P.Y.O. The
treasurer of P.Y.O. shall, however, maintain the accounts
of P.Y.O. and shall present the same to the Executive
Committee as and when requested by the treasurer of the
- MEETINGS: The members of P.Y.O. Executive Committee
shall from time to time attend the meetings of the
Executive Committee of the Corporation.
- AUDIT: The Executive Committee appoints internal or
external auditors(s) for examining financial records covering
total receipts and expenditures of the past calendar year.
- BUSINESS YEAR: January 1 through December 31.
General Meeting scheduled on the January. 1974 and comes into
immediate effect.
- (The Amendments shall be read in conjunction with and as
subsidiary to the Articles of Incorporation of Prantik. The
activities and business of the Corporation shall be managed
or conducted in accordance with the provisions of these
By-Laws, as provided in Article VII of the Articles of
Incorporation. Some of the provisions of the By-Laws define
or specify in detail certain related provision of the
Articles of Incorporation. In the event of any conflict
between the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, and
the By-Laws, those of the Articles Incorporation shall
- Initial Adoption - 12th January 1974
- Revision I - February 1982
- Revision II - 22nd February 1986
- Revision III - 8th September, 1991
- (By-Laws rewritten after incorporating the Amendments as adopted
on 9.8.91)